2014년 2월 17일 월요일

I will show you how to make "Sweet Potato (mattang) in Travelers Planet Hostel in Seoul Korea...

Hello Friends!!!

For this Saturday's Special breakfast, I will show you how to make "sweet potato dessert" in Travelers Planet Hostel in Seoul Korea.

It tastes the best when it is still warm right after making it.

Its short name is Mattang and it is a particularly popular kid's snack in Korea.

When my mum made this dish as a side dish for dinner,I used to eat this only and I didn't touch any rice or other side dishes.

It is very easy and simple to make, so you should try this for your dinner tonight!

Let's enjoy our Saturday special breakfast together~!!!!

Travelers Planet Hostel Residence Guesthouse in Hongdae, Seoul, Korea
Best for families and friends
+82 2 335 0063

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