2015년 9월 4일 금요일

Weekend Cooking 93rd at Travelers Planet Hostel(Travelers Planet Hostel Guesthouse, Hongdae, Seoul, Korea)

Today's food is very simple. 'Corn Butter'.

I'm not sure where this recipe came from.

As I remember, Corn Butter mostly comes out from Korean pubs.

It's actually good with Soju or Beer.

Let's see how simple to make it.

Check the video clip.

Sweet Corn(Can), Ham, Onion, Butter, Mayonnaise, Salt, Pepper

1. Chop ham and onion as cube.
2. Mix sweet corn with '1.', mayonnaise, salt and pepper.
3. Stir '2.' with butter on a roasting pan.

Travelers Planet Hostel
Residence Guesthouse in Hongdae, Seoul, Korea
Best for families and friends
Phone : +82) 2-335-0063/0064
E-mail : travelersplanet@gmail.com
Homepage : http://www.tphostel.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/travelers.planet.seoul
Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+Tphostel


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