2015년 9월 13일 일요일

Weekend Cooking 94th at Travelers Planet Hostel(Travelers Planet Hostel Guesthouse, Hongdae, Seoul, Korea)

Last Wednesday, we cooked Corn&Tuna Jeon for our guests.
Jeon is unique kind of Korean style food,
and it can be transformed into various kind of Jeon.
This Corn&Tuna Jeon is also kind of it. It is not traditional,
but trendy food that we can enjoy to cook and taste easily. 

Refer how to cook it as below, try it once! It is very easy :) 

Corn, Tuna, Onion, Flour, Oil

1. Remove moisture of corn and tuna. 
2. Cut onion, remove water and mix with corn and tuna. 
3. Season it with salt and pepper. 
4. Beat flour and eggs to paste.
5. Fry the mixture with enough oil. 

Travelers Planet ‪Hostel‬ 
Residence ‪Guesthouse‬ in ‪‎Hongdae‬ , ‪‎Seoul‬ , ‎Korea‬ 
Best for families and friends
Phone : +82) 2-335-0063/0064
E-mail : travelersplanet@gmail.com
Homepage : http://www.tphostel.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/travelers.planet.seoul
Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+Tphostel


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