2015년 8월 29일 토요일

Autumn was starting already (Travelers Planet Hostel Guesthouse, Hongdae, Seoul, Korea)

Autumn is just around the corner. 
Even though until last weekend, it was hot even at night, 
I can feel cool breeze at the roof top garden of Travelers Planet. 

Actually, 22 August of last week was 2nd anniversary of Travelers Planet hostel. 
I am remembering one of the first time I was here. 

Time is like an arrow, isn't it? 
At the first time, here was almost empty little awkwardly. 
This space has filled with all of you. 
Thank you to all for making this Travelers Planet together! 

‪‎Travelers Planet‬ ‪‎Hostel‬
Residence ‪‎Guesthouse‬ in ‪‎Hongdae‬, ‪‎Seoul‬, Korea
Best for families and friends
Phone : +82) 2-335-0063/0064
Homepage : http://www.tphostel.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/travelers.planet
Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+Tphostel


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