2015년 8월 9일 일요일

Weekend Cooking 90th at Travelers Planet Hostel (Travelers Planet Hostel Guesthouse, Hongdae, Seoul, Korea)

If you check our video about weekend cooking every weekend, you have already recognized that we like to cook Jeon with various ingredient. 

This morning, we cooked pan-fried shrimp zucchini. Zucchini was from our guest, Winnie! She took it at the farm by herself. It feels more delicious, crunchy and savory with fresh ingredient haha.

 Zucchini, Onion, Pepper, flour, (egg), salt, oil

1. Slice the Zucchini.
2. Slice onion and Chungyang Red Pepper(Korean style spicy chili)
3. Crush the dried prawn
4. Mix all ingredients you prepared
5. Season with some salt to taste 
6. Oil the Frying pan and cook it!

Enjoy your meals~ Next week we will cook easy and cute something! 

Travelers Planet Hostel
 Residence Guesthouse in Hongdae, Seoul, Korea
 Best for families and friends
 Phone : +82) 2-335-0063/0064
 Homepage : http://www.tphostel.com/
 Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/travelers.planet
 Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+Tphostel


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