2015년 8월 17일 월요일

The sponge cake from Osaka (Travelers Planet Hostel Guesthouse, Hongdae, Seoul, Korea)

This cake from Osaka, Japan, 
and we have gotten this sponge cake from Ha Sang Suk sang who is the one of our guest :D

It was their last gift for us before they leave Seoul, Korea. 
All of the managers of TP was very happy to be with this cute and happy family. 
We can feel a sense of warmth from this cake as we could feel it from this family! 

It is beautiful and warm tonight~! hehe :D

‪‎Travelers Planet Hostel‬
Residence ‪Guesthouse‬ in ‪‎Hongdae‬, ‪‎Seoul‬, Korea
Best for families and friends
Phone : +82) 2-335-0063/0064
Homepage : http://www.tphostel.com/
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/travelers.planet
Google+ : https://plus.google.com/+Tphostel


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