2015년 3월 16일 월요일

Real Korea! "Korean sentiments" Episode 2.‪흥興‬(Heung-joy) [Hostel in Hongdae, Seoul, Korea]

Originally Korean called ourself we are a race 
having ‪Han‬(Resentment) and Heung cultural traits.
A Interesting point is they two traits are completely opposite conceptions. 
But they are innerly related to each other. 
I'm going to tell you more about Han next weekend.

Korean's Heung is shown well in people's daily life and culture.
Basically, korean people love to eat, drink, sing and dance 
all together at the same time so much!
Some Korean speak in game we could share proper Jeong 
to exchange glasses each other and hang out singing and dancing.

This sentiment has come down to us from our ancestors.
We can find it in Korean traditional play, music and performance.
The most outstanding example is ‪Sa-mul-no-ri‬.
It is a genre of traditional percussion music.
Several people play four different traditional Korean musical instruments 
upon special Sa-mul-no-ri rhythms all musician and audience dancing and moving free.
Also the musicians consider communication and harmony 
with audiences a significant part.
If you see the performance I'm sure you cannot stop dancing and feeling free! 
I personally think sometimes we know traditional things are certainly important 
but also cannot deny some of them is quite boring.
But this one is not, it is still fairly exciting 
but unfortunately its fame has been losing out to new things like always.

In the sense, I recommend a performance "‪Nanta‬".
It a comedy performance, a story in kitchen based on Sa-mul-no-ri rhythms.
Knives and other kitchen utensils make sound, 
as those stuff are transformed into musical instruments!
I hope more people know more about Korean Heung 
and its culture not onl ‪Kang-nam Style‬ and hope it did work! haha
Keep cool! guys, let's see next week! 

Notice! Next real Korea is "‪한恨‬(Resentment)" 
Please look forward to it!

Travelers Planet Hostel
Residence Guesthouse in Hongdae, Seoul, Korea
Best for families and friends
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